Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Australia (round 1)-- recap.

Last December (2010) I went on a little surprise adventure to Australia. I really hadn't done much research in advance on Melbourne, or Australia in general, because I never really figured I would go there. It wasn't at the top of my list of places to travel to for some reason. I wasn't 100% sure what I was getting in to, but I knew who I was going to be there with, and knew I was headed for a good time. Prediction was accurate. Australia is amazing.

I left VT in a snow storm, kicked my boots off at the airport, and took off to the other side of the world. Roughly 36? 38? 40? hours later, I arrived in Melbourne... mid-summer. Shocking to say the least, considering this was my first major travel experience, and how overtired I was from the amount of hours spent traveling, not to mention the 16 hour time difference, and a day leap into the future.

Within a few hours, I was sitting at a corner bar with a group of locals (would you expect anything else from me?). Given all of the factors mentioned above, sitting there listening to they're friendly chit chat was sort of a mind trip, and almost like a puzzle trying to de-code their Aussie slang..... especially in that state of mind. Luckily I had Rob, and soon Laron to translate some things, and laugh at me of course, because that always makes things better........

New Years came up a few days later, which just happens to be my favorite holiday. How awesome was it to have a summer New Years? Sweet as! (might be a typical response over there). 2011 was brought in with mass amounts of Tequila, some other crazy Aussies, and the best display of fire works over the city (any city) that I have ever seen....

The next couple weeks were spent exploring the city, mountains and beaches with Rob and Laron. It was  pretty helpful to have a fellow American with me to show me the ropes and figure different things out. Laron, or LaRon as I liked to call her, had spent some time there the previous year visiting, and had gone back to live on a work visa..... because yes, it is that amazing!

Laron has since passed, and I can't even begin to describe what a wonderful person she was. Spending time with her changed my life in so many ways, and continues to... if you knew her, you know what I'm talking about. She was one of the few genuinely decent people in the world, there are an endless list of amazing words to describe her....and I am so fortunate to be able to call her a friend. Rest In Peace Laron <3


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