Sunday, October 16, 2011

OWS... second thoughts....

I've been thinking more about the OWS movement, and digging deeper into it. Talking with friends, we have come up with many other possible situations, as to how this whole thing came to be. I'm really loving every one's opinions on this, and am pretty impressed with some of the things that people have come up with.

The death of Tupac was brought up in conversation today... or rather the conspiracy theory revolving around it. The majority of us believe that there was a disagreement, or east coast/west coast rivalry going on between Biggie and Tupac, and that is how they both ended up dead. Some believe that the Government, or Illuminati killed him, to stop him from provoking young black men into a revolution. He knew how corrupt the world was, and was determined to change it, or at least inform as many people as he could. This is the video that set off this conversation, and goes into much more detail!

Okay, so the point is....... if you become a target when your thoughts/beliefs go against the norm... than how come no one has been targeted with the organization of OWS? Wouldn't that be grounds for conspiracy against the government or something? I would think they would have shut this whole thing down before it started (without anyone knowing a thing)... unless, it was them that started it. You could also argue, on the other hand, that they tried to ignore the movement at first with the media black out, but.... I'm pretty sure that was all part of it just to piss everyone off, only because they could! They were looking for a reaction, to build all of this into a big hype... and they got what they were looking for.

Why would they bother doing all of this? It's all a distraction. Is it pure coincidence that there are massive global Blackberry outages? And what about this blocked terrorist attempt to kill the  Saudi UN ambassador on US soil? Should we really be believing everything that's going on? Things are absolutely insane right now, who is to say that isn't more propaganda...a ploy to instill more fear into the American people. This was taken to an entirely new level by one of my friends, who thinks that this was a distraction to take attention from the OWS movement, and prepare us for the New World Order.... starting with WWIII, and a secret agenda called "Satan's lie". hmm.......woah. Taking this all even further... could this be the beginning of the end of the world? Our 2012?

The movement very well could have started out as a Democratic strategy for re election in 2012, like I mentioned in my earlier post. The seed could have been planted, and everything could have just grown (world wide) from there, and blown up in their faces. Or...... it could be something much much bigger! Either way, we are all just puppets, pawns in "their" little game. Anyway you look at it, there's nothing we can really do no matter what type of conspiracy this is...  it's just interesting to think about.

I love the IDEA of the OWS movement, as does the rest of the world apparently, or rather 99%....but there are so many things that just don't add up right.

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