Monday, October 31, 2011

Los Angeles!

I'm kind of in love with LA. As soon as Spencer picked me up at the airport, we drove away, I looked around, and said "hmm...... this is Melbourne, except people don't talk funny, and they drive normal....oh and the palm trees are different." I've finally set foot in this city, outside of the airport. I've flown over a few times, and spent some time in LAX, but I'm now happy to say I've finally spent some time in Los Angeles, and am pretty much completely in love with the city.....definitely could see myself living here some day. The picture to the left is a view of Hollywood Boulevard from Spencer's living room, obviously looks better in person, but still pretty cool.

I got in yesterday around 10:30 am. hung out and rested all day, then had dinner and wine with a friend, who also is originally from VT, he now owns a hair salon in Beverly Hills, after traveling Europe for many years. He's a cool guy, it was definitely a good night! I kind of took over Spencer's apartment last night, while him and Kara took off to some giant rave in San Bernardino. Check out their costumes... Definitely the cutest little raver kids you'll ever meet!

Today, I wandered around the Melrose Trading Post, while Spence, and Kara sold crystals. I didn't get many pics from the flea market, I wish I did though, such a cool place!!!!!!! So many cool vintage things, I couldn't look around too much, because I wasn't allowed to buy anything, my luggage is completely maxed out for the airline weight regulations. I did get a good sized piece of Black Tourmaline, which gets rid of negative energy, and is supposed to be good for jet lag, as well as many other things like promoting creativity, and a white calcite pendant, for intuition, traveling, inner peace, cleansing, and new beginnings.  Also picked up a Blue Agate keychain, which is good for grounding, calming, and self confidence. I'm kind of hooked on crystals now... which is cool, kind of goes along perfect with other recent self discoveries. =D

In the food court section I found a little crepe booth.......... basically just like Skinny Pancake in Vermont. It was amazing! Also, there are so many great vegan restaurants around I don't even know where to start!!! I've kind of just been going for the junk food places, since there's no such thing as that in VT.  Last night I had a breakfast tofu scramble wrap with sweet potatoes, and bacon bits. Tonight I had vegan cheesy breadsticks and salad.... mmmmm....... oh gosh, now I can't wait for Lord of the Fries in Melb. 

So... I guess to sum things up. Cali is pretty awesome, this visit was planned as more of a long layover, and less of a touristy thing, which is cool, but I definitely can't wait to come back and full on explore this place! 

I head out tomorrow night for Oz......... tomorrow will be filled with Macy's, Whole Foods, rest, and relaxation before my 13 hour flight to New Zealand, 8 hour layover there, then 4 hour flight to Melbourne....... ah I wish I could just teleport places, but the traveling is half the fun. sometimes, other times only in afterthought =) 

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