Sunday, October 9, 2011

Occupy Wall Street? or.... Occupy Presidential Election 2012.....

The new and exciting Occupy Wall Street movement, the start of a revolution...or something. At first I was completely all for it. We have every right to stand up for this, and I love how many people have opened their eyes to the corruption and nonsense of our government and financial system.

Up until last night I was very active on the topic on facebook and twitter, and even planned to attend my hometown's tribute to OWS today. I even wondered briefly if I would be considered a Socialist, when I've always been more or less anti-politics. Then I started talking to a friend, who couldn't care less about the subject, and I couldn't figure out why. He is well aware of the corruption and greed, and usually cares about this sort of stuff to a certain extent, and I consider him one of the most intelligent people I've ever why wouldn't he want to be a part of this huge, now global, movement? I went up to bat for this hard, and he asked me about this whole 99% vs the 1% and who the 1% really was.... and it hit me........

Everyone knows how crazy the structure of things are and how corrupt everything is. That's why we're in this situation in the first place. Has anyone ever thought that the "1%" or the corruption itself set this whole movement off just to get everyone all pissed off and scrambling around, maybe causing a distraction, or to pull something, of some sorts, in someone's favor in the end? 

Now, like I said before, I completely agree with all of the protests, and I think that everyone is definitely in the right for what they are saying! I also love that fact that this movement has gotten so huge and opened so many peoples eyes to what is going on in the world, the ignorance is slowly being erased,  but..... could it be that this is exactly what "they" wanted? 

After stopping myself mid conversation, and coming to this realization, I was determined to figure this out. I spent probably entirely too much time researching online for more answers.....and was definitely able to piece some together. 

According to the official OWS website, there is a new collaboration of some sorts with, AFL-CIO, SEIU, which are all huge supporters of the Obama administration and reelection (which in itself is backed by Wall Street). Others are saying that this is the new left wing tea party...  So, who is really running OWS? Isn't it supposed to be a "leaderless" movement? 

I've mentioned this to quite a few people, most people end up agreeing when they actually think about it, although I have had a couple people say that they would think it would be Republican based, as opposed to Democrat but, I'm willing to bet that this is nothing but a left wing conspiracy, a democratic re election strategy. 

Please visit these links for more in depth information

and finally... Obama's stance on the OWS situation.


..... it's all food for thought.  I'm gonna go back to my little corner now, and hate on everything. =D

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